Christian Radio Pipeline Newsletter
Volume 4, Number 2 -- Third Quarter, 1995 -- Editor: Dave
We at CRP continue to look forward to the day when people in the San
Mateo area can turn-on their radios and clearly hear Contemporary
Christian Music. Just in case there was any confusion, that is what we
are working towards.
Our staff and consulting engineer continue to search for an acceptable
site for the proposed translator station. Based on numerous technical
criteria, we have ruled-out several of the sites that we were
considering. Presently, we are taking a closer look at a particularly
promising site.
CRP is having a...
____YARD SALE____
Saturday, September 30, 1995 from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm
3529 Pasadena Drive, San Mateo
We welcome donations of sellable items before the day of the sale. All
proceeds go to Christian Radio Pipeline. For more information about the
sale or to donate items, contact Deb at 574-2669.
Will you help us get one of these?

In order to get a license like the one above, we need to file an
application with the FCC. You can help through prayer (see requests
below) and financially to cover the costs of the consulting engineer and
broadcasting attorney.
Projected Application Costs: $2000
CRP's Current Balance: $1300
Amount Still Needed: $ 700
Note that we're about 65% of the way there. If you haven't already
donated to this project, please consider it.
Santa Rosa - KLVR 91.9 FM
Marin/Berkeley/San Francisco 88.9 FM
South Bay/Fremont/San Jose 88.9, 91.9, 99.3, 100.9 FM
Prunedale/Monterey - KLVM 89.7 FM
Remember us in prayer as we seek
- a new site for the translator
- sufficient funds for the construction permit costs as well as for the
next step, purchase and installation of the translator
- additional partners both within CRP as an organization and as a
financial and prayer support base
- good health for our president, Dave Atherton
Rejoice with us as we see God's provision of
- 65% of the funds necessary for the construction permit process
- a new volunteer, Deb Imfeld, who is assisting with follow-up calls
and other matters
Mail: CHRISTIAN RADIO PIPELINE, P.O. Box 4848, Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: (415)570-5557
President's Email: Dave Atherton <>
Treasurer's Email: Tim Mitchell <>
World Wide Web:
Top 8 Things to Do with Unwanted Vinyl Records:
- Spray an LP with gold paint; frame it; and let people think
that you were awarded a gold record.
- Assemble multiple LPs onto a common shaft and drag
behind a small tractor to till soil.
- Use an LP as a thrust bearing in a Dobsonian
telescope...whatever that is.
- Place an LP on top of a coffee can and soften it in a warm
oven to make a flower pot (complete with drain-hole).
- Use an LP as a skim-board at the beach.
- Use LPs and 45s for skeet-shooting ("Pull!.....Bang!").
- Place a suitable stack of 45s under the short leg of a table.
- Use an LP as a port-hole blind that includes a peep-hole.